The Playwright as Historian

Juan Mayorga

Juan Mayorga (Madrid, 1965) es uno de los dramaturgos más importantes de su generación. Ha obtenido diversos premios, como el Premio Nacional de Literatura Dramática en 2007 y el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras en 2022. Sus obras, traducidas a muchos idiomas y representadas por todo el mundo, incluyen Cartas de amor a Stalin (1997), Himmelweg. Camino del cielo (2003), El chico de la última fila (2006) y La intérprete (2018), así como versiones de clásicos como Ibsen o Shakespeare. Profesor de dramaturgia y filosofía en la Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático in Madrid, es director de la Cátedra de Artes Escénicas de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. En febrero de 2022 fue nombrado director artístico del Teatro de La Abadía y el Corral de Comedias de Alcalá.

Obras de Juan Mayorga

Juan Mayorga

The Playwright as Historian

Colección: Post
Edición: Madrid, Postmetropolis Editorial, 2016
Free download on-line publication
Páginas: 11

Above all, historical theatre relates the desires and the fears of the era that is played out on stage. These fears and desires are what determine that a given present opened up from a particular past, and not another; that a past is seen from one perspective and not from another. It relates intrinsically the past and the present as if it were a specific past that had awaited a corresponding present —as though the past had sent it, and the present collected it.

And this is why questions to do with historical theatre go beyond the interests of just theatre lovers: historical theatre raises the question of why one historical period should feel that a particular past is of its concern. Why should one historical period feel itself questioned by another, or even referred to in that past? What images of the past get offered on the contemporary stage, and what, by extension, have been excluded? What do these images of the past tell us about our present moment? The history of historical theatre is a history of Humanity, and the historical theatre that produces our age is a dramatisation of our age.

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