The Post Collection
(What remains) after knowledge
The edited texts in this collection offer tools for thinking about the present historically –and for imagining the future historically.
All knowledge is always situated: That is, it always implies some moral or ideological position, whether explicitly or tacitly, and it is produced by way of some analytical baggage, whether in the form of concepts, assumptions or theories, all formalised to varying degrees. And yet there is still a way of approaching the knowledge that one finds latent or inscribed, often in an unconscious way, in the thought of various writers, whether intellectuals, academics, literary artists or citizens in general, and which involves observing and evaluating the problems of the present historically.
Given that historical thought affects the production of knowledge itself, this collection seeks to narrow in on the knowledge that remains once a historicisation of its processes of production has been effectively carried out.
In this collection we are interested in everything that has to do with thinking the present and the future historically. Included in it are essays that exemplify this particular way of understanding knowledge and, above all, reflections which offer tools for developing and for making more explicit the historical processes through which certain kinds of knowledge are established, thus enhancing our historical consciousness as citizens. Included as well are all types of reflections and practices that contribute to a radical rethinking, both theoretically and methodologically, of the study of the past.
Our interests range from historiography to the critique of epistemological formulations, including the deconstruction of narratives long accepted by convention, by explicative consensus, or tradition –as interpretations (uncritically) inherited from the past, etc.
In short, this collection seeks to establish firm ties and linkages between the Social Sciences and the Humanities through critical reflections on and about the past.
1. Slavoj Zizek, Lenin herido de muerte por una bala en la Estación Finlandia [Lenin shot dead at Finland Station].
- Juan Mayorga, El dramaturgo como historiador [The playwright as historian].
- Edward Fulbrook, Pluralismo narrativo [Narrative Pluralism].
- Leopoldo Moscoso, Agnotología y educación ciudadana [Agnotology and Civic Education].
- VV., ¿Qué hacemos con el pasado? Catorce textos sobre historia y memoria [What do We do with the Past?! Fourteenth Texts on History and Memory].